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Save yourself a whole lot of planning work

Solar.Pro.Tool from Schweizer
Project registration, system layout, statics, electrics (PolySun) and flexible expenses in a single environment
Direct linking of item lists to the ERP system for tender preparation and order registration
No limits
Scalable at will, with an unlimited number of planning projects, versions etc.
Web based
User-friendly web-based use of planning software
Easy transfer
Simple digital transfer of project data on special lists for verification of statics and stability
Wide range of import options, registration of building geometries from Google, pdf or dxf
Support from Schweizer: direct, project-specific support from Schweizer’s specialists
Cloud solution
Site-independent availability, accessible by the entire project team as project data are stored in the Cloud

Your free license
A personal license is required to use the Solar.Pro.Tool from Schweizer. You can register for the "SPT Light" version directly.

Online training
We are happy to offer you personal online training for our planning software. You can choose from 6 modules.
To upgrade to a fully functional version "SPT-Basic", please contact the responsible sales consultant or send an e-mail to spt@ernstschweizer.com.
Quick-Start Guide Solar.Pro.Tool from Schweizer
Tips for planning of BIPV roof systems in SPT
The planning of a PV BIPV roof installations can be quick and simple. Try it out!
With SPT from Schweizer you can also plan and design complex BIPV roof systems. Here are a few tips.
*) Only for professional users
An initiative under the auspices and with the support of